Thursday, January 21, 2010

Super Immunity

The latest news about the H1N1 Swine Flu is not good.

The usual advice given before the cold and flu season to reduce your risk of getting sick is to wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. This is pretty good advice for lowering your risk of catching a cold or flu but also for lowering your risk of getting sick from all kinds bacteria and viruses. Unfortunately, the latest data indicate washing your hands this way does NOT appreciably lower your risk of getting the H1N1 Swine flu. Even using the chemical “hand sanitizers” has not been shown to offer additional benefit against the Swine flu.

Up the proverbial creek without a paddle?

Maybe not …

The available research on what puts humans at risk for catching a cold or flu is interesting.

In one experiment, college students volunteered to sit in a cooler until chilled, after which live virus was placed inside their nasal cavities. (Yes, they volunteered and were paid!) Results: Several hours in a cooler and shivering did NOT increase the chances of getting sick. There are no data that show having a wet head and going outside in winter weather increases your risk, either, Mom!

The fact is our bodies are constantly picking up hitchhiking bacteria and viruses, such as Strep, cold viruses, flu viruses, E. Coli, and other pathogens that can cause some nasty illnesses. This means there is a continuous, silent war going on inside your body between your immune system and these nasty “bugs.” Whether or not you get sick depends on who wins the battles, you or the “bugs.”

Actually, it doesn’t take a Ph.D. in microbiology to know when and why you get sick at certain times. You get sick when your body is “run down.” Your body gets “run down” by poor sleep habits, bad food, and, most importantly, STRESS and ANXIETY.

That stress and anxiety deplete your bioelectrical Life Force, also known as Chi, has been studied by the Warrior-Healers of Asia for many centuries. These Warrior-Healers were both master martial artists and healers and legendary for their amazing feats of power, endurance and longevity.

They taught their techniques only to the most accomplished and devoted students. The Masters said these techniques would create a fortress of protection around your body against infection and aging, resulting in the legendary health and longevity they were known for.

Is Super Immunity possible? The kind that these master martial artists and healers used to create amazingly powerful minds and bodies. In my opinion, the answer is YES! And when your body is strong and healthy, you can withstand stress and anxiety without getting “run down,” and your immune system can repel the constant attack by bacteria and viruses.

Stress comes in 3 primary forms: Trauma, Toxins & Thoughts. Overloads, or combinations of stress will create definite changes to the flow of your Life Force.

Solutions involve reducing the negative impact of these three stress types. The most logical solutions involve some combination of care that will optimize your immune responce, vitalize your energy and support your health.

I recommend you continue to follow the advice of your doctors and health providers to avoid getting sick, but I highly recommend you get to the office of a chiropractor to get your immune system measurements. This will determine if your "Chi" or Life Force is operating at its peak so you can have "Super Immunity".

Remember this: your Life Force flows through your brain and nervous system to carry out your program for healing and repair. Your super immunity is the result of maximized flow of your Life Force. Our computerized measurements sense the micro-voltage levels (power) and inflammation resulting from blockages.

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