Friday, January 22, 2010

Think & Grow Rich

4th Principle of Success from Napoleon Hill

Applied Faith

You are Blessed with complete control of your own mind and attitude - your great faith can be unleashed to accomlish what you set your mind toward.

6 forms of Riches
1. Sound Health
2. Peace of Mind
3. A labor of love of your own choice
4. Freedom from Fear & Worry
5. A positive mental attitude
6. Material riches of your own choice and quantity

Focus on what you want, and away from what you do not want!

The Four Horsemen of Satan paralyzes your success

Accomplish what you desire through applied faith
1. know what you want & believe you can & will get it
2. express gratitude, confident expectation
3. keep your mind open to act on your initiative
4. when overtaken by defeat, tested many times before crowned with final victory
5. burning desire for the things, circumstanses you want is the starting point
6. perfect love casts out all fear: doubt out- what you believe you will reap

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