Thursday, January 28, 2010

But I'm Not A Salesman

Most people say they are "NOT A SALESPERSON". Leadership , however, is all about influence. No one likes to be "Sold" on something, but you are excited about that new "Thing" you just bought. So what's the difference. Huge!

I believe that Sales & Leadership are similar. Both are about influence and relationship. This past year, I have realized how important relationships are, and my goal is to expand my relationships and strengthen my relationships. So I think it would be helpful if you wanted to answer a few questions.

No looking over this extensive list looks a bit intimidating, but don't you think it would be helpful to know this about the person?

Are You:
1.Team player?
2.Good at supporting others?
5.Sees the big picture rather than specific facts & figures?
6.Needs specific facts & figures rather than seeing the big picture?
7.A self-starter or needs monitoring?
8.A good promoter or not?
9.Organized or scattered?
10.Good or poor on follow-up with people?
11.Craves excitement?
12.Perfectionist or not?
13.Great planner or not?
14.Excellent or poor at strategy?
15.Willing student or uncoachable?
16.Good recruiter or not?
17.Strong money-motivation or not?
18.A Leader?
19.Hates confrontation or loves it?
20.Talks easily or gives out information grudgingly?
21.Thinks they're smarter than you are?
23.Good negotiator or not?
24.Good or poor follow-through on plans?
25.High energy or not?
26.Likely to cause you lot of grief?
27.Doer or talker?
28.Rather ride a dirt bike or read a book?
29.Cares about others or "Me first"?
30.Enthusiastic or not?
31.Has patience or not?
32.Risk-taker or not?
33.Driven to succeed?
34.Values accuracy or not?
35.Creative or not?
36.Makes gut decisions with NO information?
37.Dependable or not?
38.Factual or tends to exaggerate?
39.Makes decisions easily or struggles with them?
40.Easy to get along with or not?
41.Gets taken advantage of by others or not?
42.Goal-oriented or not?
43.Sees value in ideas of others, or self-righteous?
44.Persistent or not?
45.Life of the party or wallflower?
46.Hard to please?
47.Confident or not?
48.Pessimist or optimist?
49.Strong motivator or not?
50.Critical of others?
51.Family is important or not?
52.Good researcher or not?
53.MUST be in control, or willing to let others make decisions?
54.Accepting of YOU ... or naturally suspicious?
55.Tells big lies or not?
56.Likes people or prefers to be alone?
57.Has happy, well-adjusted kids or not?
58.Struggles the most to build relationships?
59.Hates salespeople and would NEVER become one?
60.Makes decisions 100% based on the money?
61.Accepting of others or judgmental?

Some of the keys to differentiating personalities:

1.Are they open or self-contained when they talk to you?
2.Are they direct or indirect in their actions?
3.What specific words they often use are a tip-off to each personality?
4.How do they all treat money? Generous? Stingy? Wasteful? A saver?
5.How they dress.
6.The appearance of their desk.
7.The layout of their office.
8.The colors they choose.
9.Do they talk fast or slow?
10.Do they carefully enunciate their words?
11.Is this a fast driver?
12.Does this person like the most expensive cars?
13.Would they rather buy stuff for other people than for themselves?
14.Do they spend a lot of time comparison-shopping for price?
15.And many more criteria.

You'll also master these life-changing goals & strategies:

1.How to get instant credibility with anyone you have just met! (This one is a real doozy!)
2.How to lower the tension level & raise the co-operation level.
3.The most certain way to get people to bond with you.
4.The value of becoming a chameleon, so you can relate well to everyone.
5.How to create a lifelong income partner in 15 minutes.
6.How to identify ANY personality type within 1-2 minutes of conversation.

Remember When I Said, "You Are NOT
a Salesperson"? Well, Neither Am I!

I just love helping people!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

So now I can blog on the go? Technology is amazing

Friday, January 22, 2010

Self Discipline

Lesson 6
Napoleon Hill
Think & Grow Rich
Self Discipline
1. tongue - think before you speak
2. pay back - injure other and it always returns multiplied
3. Emotion
A. love
B. hate
C. fear
D. sex
4. Mental Attitude
A. drives away friends
B. destroys opportunities
C. brings on physical & mental stress
D. stomach ulcers
E. loss of peace of mind
5. Sex - transmutation through self discipline
6. Stomach - dieting & fasting
7. religion & politics
8. taking possession of your own mind & directing it towards the ends you desire

The power of your own thought!

A Pleasing Personality

Lesson by Napoleon Hill
Think & Grow Rich

Traits of personality are under your control
1. mental attitude- attract or repell
2. Flexibility to adjust to others without losing composure
3. Control & direct enthusiasm
4. Sincerity of Purpose

Destructive habits which destroys a pleasing personality
1. breaking in or running away with the conversation
2. sarcasm
4. vanity expressed by words or actions
4. failure or indifference to be a good listener
5. flattery uncalled for or undeserved
6. finding fault with others
7. openly challenging people, argumentiveness
8. giving free advice without request
9. speaking of your physical ailments
10. expressing superiority
11. envy of others
12. slovenly appearance, carriage & posture

Health Wealth & Peace of Mind

Think & Grow Rich

4th Principle of Success from Napoleon Hill

Applied Faith

You are Blessed with complete control of your own mind and attitude - your great faith can be unleashed to accomlish what you set your mind toward.

6 forms of Riches
1. Sound Health
2. Peace of Mind
3. A labor of love of your own choice
4. Freedom from Fear & Worry
5. A positive mental attitude
6. Material riches of your own choice and quantity

Focus on what you want, and away from what you do not want!

The Four Horsemen of Satan paralyzes your success

Accomplish what you desire through applied faith
1. know what you want & believe you can & will get it
2. express gratitude, confident expectation
3. keep your mind open to act on your initiative
4. when overtaken by defeat, tested many times before crowned with final victory
5. burning desire for the things, circumstanses you want is the starting point
6. perfect love casts out all fear: doubt out- what you believe you will reap

Think & Go Rich

Napoleon Hill
The Habit of Going the Extra Mile

Quality+quanty+Mental Attitude=Position of success+compensation

1. Favorable attention of others
2. increase return on investment
3. you will be indispensable
4. excell in your line of work
5. preference/favor
6. Differentiate yourself from others
7. Do your very best
8. Keen alert immagination to see opening doors
9. inspired to act on personal initiative
10. Greater Courage
11. Master procrastination with massive action
12. Generate respect & integrity
13. Definiteness of purpose
14. provides excuse to ask for more pay/position

Mastermind Principle

Napoleon Hill
Mastermind Principle

Think & Grow Rich

Napoleon Hill
Video 1

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Super Immunity

The latest news about the H1N1 Swine Flu is not good.

The usual advice given before the cold and flu season to reduce your risk of getting sick is to wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. This is pretty good advice for lowering your risk of catching a cold or flu but also for lowering your risk of getting sick from all kinds bacteria and viruses. Unfortunately, the latest data indicate washing your hands this way does NOT appreciably lower your risk of getting the H1N1 Swine flu. Even using the chemical “hand sanitizers” has not been shown to offer additional benefit against the Swine flu.

Up the proverbial creek without a paddle?

Maybe not …

The available research on what puts humans at risk for catching a cold or flu is interesting.

In one experiment, college students volunteered to sit in a cooler until chilled, after which live virus was placed inside their nasal cavities. (Yes, they volunteered and were paid!) Results: Several hours in a cooler and shivering did NOT increase the chances of getting sick. There are no data that show having a wet head and going outside in winter weather increases your risk, either, Mom!

The fact is our bodies are constantly picking up hitchhiking bacteria and viruses, such as Strep, cold viruses, flu viruses, E. Coli, and other pathogens that can cause some nasty illnesses. This means there is a continuous, silent war going on inside your body between your immune system and these nasty “bugs.” Whether or not you get sick depends on who wins the battles, you or the “bugs.”

Actually, it doesn’t take a Ph.D. in microbiology to know when and why you get sick at certain times. You get sick when your body is “run down.” Your body gets “run down” by poor sleep habits, bad food, and, most importantly, STRESS and ANXIETY.

That stress and anxiety deplete your bioelectrical Life Force, also known as Chi, has been studied by the Warrior-Healers of Asia for many centuries. These Warrior-Healers were both master martial artists and healers and legendary for their amazing feats of power, endurance and longevity.

They taught their techniques only to the most accomplished and devoted students. The Masters said these techniques would create a fortress of protection around your body against infection and aging, resulting in the legendary health and longevity they were known for.

Is Super Immunity possible? The kind that these master martial artists and healers used to create amazingly powerful minds and bodies. In my opinion, the answer is YES! And when your body is strong and healthy, you can withstand stress and anxiety without getting “run down,” and your immune system can repel the constant attack by bacteria and viruses.

Stress comes in 3 primary forms: Trauma, Toxins & Thoughts. Overloads, or combinations of stress will create definite changes to the flow of your Life Force.

Solutions involve reducing the negative impact of these three stress types. The most logical solutions involve some combination of care that will optimize your immune responce, vitalize your energy and support your health.

I recommend you continue to follow the advice of your doctors and health providers to avoid getting sick, but I highly recommend you get to the office of a chiropractor to get your immune system measurements. This will determine if your "Chi" or Life Force is operating at its peak so you can have "Super Immunity".

Remember this: your Life Force flows through your brain and nervous system to carry out your program for healing and repair. Your super immunity is the result of maximized flow of your Life Force. Our computerized measurements sense the micro-voltage levels (power) and inflammation resulting from blockages.